Mandy Gibbons Podcast with Dave Clare
Mandy Gibbons Podcast Show... SPECIAL GUEST: Dave Clare
Dad of 3 amazing children, awesome husband... renowned Author, Founder and CEO of Circle Leadership. We dig deeper with Dave into his own amazing personal, and business evolution in resilience and overcoming adversity that a lot of men will resonate with... Both in business and relationships.
Family is what Dave is most proud of, his relationships with his wife and children. Dave shares how the breakup of his previous marriage transformed his and his children's life...
...Leading to new opportunities in his business and purpose... While moving through challenges as a business owner and single father... and meeting his amazing wife Tova.
Dave shares incredible insights and GOLD nuggets into what it takes to powerfully thrive in business, as the leader of a company, as a father (including communication with his kids), as a husband and within himself... And how he creates his own evolution theme, so he continues to mightily lead by example.
Along with being fluent in speaking "dad jokes"... LOL... You'll love Dave's humour...
Dave's an award-winning coach, facilitator and sales leader. And has worked with some of the most amazing leaders, none of which most people will ever know, unless you've worked with them personally.
Dave has been in the field of personal and organizational leadership for 25 years, having lived and worked in three different countries...
Dave founded Circle Leadership 5 years ago. Helping leaders to evolve themselves and their businesses to stay relevant. And has had an incredible impact on the exponential growth and evolution of the companies and businesses he works with.
You can connect with Dave here...
Thank you again, Dave... Loved catching up with you again!
Mandy "Resilience Mastery" Gibbons
Resilience And AntiFragile Coach For Men
#resilience #resilienceformen #mandygibbons #daveclare #circleleadership
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