Personal Mental and Emotional Resilience & Anti-Fragile Coach For Men. Successfully Moving CEO's, Leaders and Executives Through Challenging Times… Including Burn-Out, Burn-Out Prevention And Mentally And Emotionally Demanding Situations In Life...With Strength, Fortitude, Conviction, Compassion, Honour, Adventure and Humour.

1:1 Personal Resilience & Anti-Fragility Coaching For Men With Mandy
Take Ownership, Prepare And Powerfully Lead As the Best Man YOU CHOOSE To Be At Any Given Time!
The mightiest of Men can feel pushed to the limits, burnt out, alone, isolated, complacent, losing drive and purpose...
As a man, coming from a place of understanding and acceptance for yourself... Helps bring you mental and emotional peace...
Versus frustration and judgement.
In those moments of hurting, feeling insecure, fearful, frustrated, angry, betrayed, heartbroken and trapped, trying to escape your emotions...
You get to CHOOSE to take responsibility for how YOU operate in life...
Empowering yourself as a MAN...and leader!
By Acknowledging...
...That you don't have to live up to the expectations or perceptions of what a man should be...and let life drag you along...
...That you don't have to spend your life trying not to be your father, relative or friend that bought you pain...
...That you don't have to believe the lies that being calm, grounded, growing up, work, life, personal business commitments... makes you weak and that you have to quit on your purpose, adventure, joy, drive, vitality and connection...
All of these, by default, create scarcity and survival mode... anxiety and stress... looking externally for vices for relief.
A man's core values can shift throughout life... And that's a good thing...Because it means you can re-assess, change direction based on what YOU want in life...For you and those around you...
...Taking responsibility and ownership of your own self respect, strength, direction, energy, conviction and peace, during challenges and every day life.
If you’re a decisive individual... With integrity, strength and conviction for how you lead in life…
…If you value resilience, purpose, fulfilment, vitality, ambition, freedom, honour, fortitude, victory… With a measure of humility and compassion..
Then I'd love to stand by your side, coaching and guiding you to STAND STRONG as the MAN YOU CHOOSE TO BE.
How it Works... 1:1 One-Off Session
- 1 x 60 minute Call via Zoom (Video) - Or Phone / WhatsApp (Audio)
- Follow-up Message Support for 7 Days after call
- Click on the payment button to pay via credit card.
- You'll be emailed a receipt.
- We'll book a time that works for you.
- I'll send you some quick question forms to complete to ensure you get the most out your call.
*For Direct Deposit details message or email Mandy
Mark Lane: Entrepreneur, Successful Landscape Business Owner, Oil and Gas Offshore Supervisor and Community Leader

Ross Harrison: CEO, Entrepreneur, BA in Psychology and
Owner Precision Health and Fitness

There are people who can help you grow and succeed in your purpose, business and life and Mandy is definitely one of those people, and the thing that really makes her stand out is her heart.
She is one of those rare people who genuinely cares about others and their success. I have always felt her strength, care, passion and support when she gave advice and insights. Her genuine fortitude, resilience and compassion in her mentorship is the thing that makes all the difference.
She is great at seeing the places where you are creating unnecessary roadblocks and actually holding yourself back from fulfillment and leading as the man you choose to be.
She inspires you to take responsibility and take solid actionable decisive steps to accomplish your goals and empowers you as an individual to become more secure in yourself, your capabilities, your drive and your purpose...
This ultimately makes you better at everything you do, both in business and in life.
Mandy has helped me become more confident, ambitious, authentic in my abilities, in myself... and enabled me to branch out and do more with my business and life than I originally believed was possible.
I used to feel restricted, as though I had to follow a set path, but now there is a world of possibilities... Where I used to see constraints, now I see potential opportunities and a lot of that has to do with Mandy’s special blend of knowledge, wisdom, compassion, resilience and genuine mastery in championing her clients to win.
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© 2025, Resilience Coach For Men